Indian Tribal Development & Cultural Research Centre [ITD & CRC]
To promote establish protect awareness tribal music tribal dance tribal handicraft and their ancient culture.
To promote, establish, develop, awareness about tribal health, education, sports and culture, agriculture, self help training.
To promote and establish audio visual education on various subjects.
To promote and establish multilingual training.
To promote and establish Breakout study, elderly education, female education and Mass education.
To provide Skill Up gradation Trainings and Vocational Trainings in connection with functional improvement of Self Help Groups and Self Employment Schemes.
To promote change the view of tribal farmers to look agriculture as a business not only as the way of living.
Educate tribal farmers and tribal farmers’ family about new technology in agriculture.
Encourage the tribal farmers to adopt micro irrigation system and less water requiring crops.
Arrange agricultural demonstrations exhibition group discussion and farmers trip.
To improve skill for growing fresh and safe vegetables without use of any pesticides.
To help in the preservation of cattle and useful animals.
To promote regional culture of India through participation in several program's.
To promote and organise and participation in Tribal Fair and Exhibition and other Fair and Exhibition.
To publish and or publishing books, pamphlets periodicals and news papers in India or outside for the speared and advancement of education and culture.