Indian Animal Health Development & Research Centre [IAHD & RC]
To promote and establish Animal Health and welfare, Animal production and Veterinary Public Health.
To promote and establish the role of Veterinarians in emerging fields such as Aquaculture etc.
To promote provide standard and world-class veterinary surgery training and Research facilities for undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholars in various specialty areas of surgery.
To promote establish veterinary science for prevention diagnosis and treatment of disease disorder and injury in birds and animals.
To promote establish the practice of veterinary science for extensive knowledge of veterinary surgery endoscopy experimental surgery obstetrics gynecology andrology Tetralogy breeding Dairy science veterinary hygiene animal behaviour and Management.
To publish such proceedings obstructs journals memories transaction and other publications as may be found desirable.
To promote, establish, maintain, provide, knowledge, show, outline, develop, awareness, animal husbandry, poultry farming,wildlife firming, fisheries science and fisheries technology.
To promote establish Run organize CME programs on veterinary science and other sciences.
To publish and or publishing books, pamphlets periodicals and news papers in India or outside for the speared and advancement of Indian Animal Health education and culture.
To promote veterinary science and animal husbandry in the Welfare of India.